Winkmann Coaching:

Elevating Single Parent Executives and Professionals


Discover how you can master the art of balancing parenting, a demanding career, and self-care to excel in every sphere of your life with my revolutionary 5-Step Blueprint.



"Embrace support as strength.

Transform pressures into growth.

Prioritize self-care to excel."

Harald Winkmann, founder Winkmann Coaching

Charting the Course for Accomplished Single Parent Professionals: 

In the realm of single parent professionals in high-performance work environments, the challenge extends beyond mere balance – it's about excelling in a high-stakes setting while nurturing family and self. You're adept at managing career demands, solo parenting, and personal ambitions, yet the need for a strategic approach to harmonize these elements is paramount. This tightrope walk can lead to feelings of being stretched thin, guilt over balancing quality time with children, and navigating complex career paths amidst personal responsibilities.

As someone who has navigated these very challenges, I bring not just empathy, but actionable strategies through my coaching and 5-Step Blueprint. It’s about evolving from merely coping to a life where professional ambition and personal fulfillment coexist harmoniously with a rewarding parenting experience.

Two cartoon-style images, one depicting a single mom with her two kids in a superwoman costume and the other showing a single dad in teh laundry room with his children in a superman costume - symbolizing the role of single parents as real-life superheros

Meet Harald Winkmann – Architect of the Revolutionary Octonion WellnessTM and LifeLadder Wellness StrategyTM (LLWS) System.

As a single parent and former tech executive, I deeply understand the complex dynamics of managing high-level responsibilities while nurturing personal and family growth. My insights, honed through real-world application among single parent professionals, have been pivotal in creating these comprehensive systems, uniquely tailored to guide you towards resilience, professional success, and enriched personal well-being.

Harald Winkmann, founder Winkmann Coaching

My Coaching Mission: Empowering Single Parent Executives and Professionals to Excel in Career, Family, and Beyond.

In transitioning to coaching, my purpose was shaped by a fusion of personal experiences and professional insights. Having navigated the intricate balance of a demanding career and single parenthood, my mission is clear – to smooth the path for accomplished single parent professionals. This includes those in high-responsibility roles such as CxO positions, senior executives, and distinguished professionals across diverse sectors like entrepreneurship, law, medicine, software development, engineering, marketing, and finance. By leveraging the hard-earned lessons from my own journey, I’ve developed strategies that enable you to not just manage but excel amidst life's complexities. As your coach, my commitment is to equip you with these transformative tools, turning your unique challenges into gateways for a fulfilling, balanced, and successful life.

Path through forest toward clearing flooded by  bunlight with a quote by Firedrich Nietzsche: "no journey is too great, when one finds what one seeks" - symbolizing the challenging yet inspiringsingle parent journey
Dive Into My Story & Coaching Approach

Revolutionizing Your Journey: The 5-Step Blueprint

Embark on a transformative journey towards holistic wellbeing and success with my 5-Step Blueprint, expressly designed for high-achieving single parent professionals. Rooted in the innovative Octonion WellnessTM and LifeLadder Wellness StrategyTM (LLWS) concepts, this blueprint is meticulously tailored to address the multifaceted challenges you face daily, paving the way for a life of balance and achievement.  

Octonion WellnessTM transforms traditional wellness models by encompassing eight interconnected dimensions of wellbeing. This holistic approach goes beyond mere balance; it's about enriching and excelling in each aspect of your life, creating a harmonious and fulfilling existence. Specifically designed for single parents on demanding career paths, it ensures a comprehensive approach where every dimension of well-being is nurtured and enhanced, catering to the unique complexities of single parenthood and professional demands.

The LifeLadder Wellness StrategyTM (LLWS) introduces a systematic, sequential, and multidimensional progression through wellness, tailor-made for your fast-paced, multifaceted life. Beginning with essential self-care foundations and leading up to the realization of your long-term professional and personal goals, LLWS offers a guided path for transformative change. It’s crafted to ensure that each step builds upon the last, facilitating sustainable positive shifts that resonate with the unique rhythms of a single parent professional's life.

The result? A life where balance is not just a goal but a reality. A life that transcends the challenges of single parenthood and professional demands, enabling you to thrive. Experience enhanced career fulfillment, greater personal well-being, and a richer, more connected life.

See the Blueprint in Action

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Embark on a personal journey of profound growth with Winkmann Coaching. My 5-Step Blueprint offers a comprehensive framework designed to unlock your full potential and guide you towards creating an extraordinary life. Whether you're seeking to enhance your overall well-being, optimize your career trajectory, or find balance and fulfillment in your personal and professional life, the Blueprint is tailored to support your journey of self-discovery and growth at every step.

Explore my offerings to find the perfect fit for your aspirations. From one-on-one executive coaching sessions providing deeply customized empowerment and support to online masterclasses, group coaching, and peer communities, I offer a diverse range of options to accompany you on your unique path.

Schedule a complimentary discovery call today or peruse my online masterclasses and coaching packages to begin scripting your success story.

Unlock Your Potential

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A Monthly Dose of Insight and Inspiration for Single Parent Executives and Professionals

Join our community and receive a monthly newsletter curated exclusively for single parent professionals. Each edition is packed with valuable insights and practical tips to navigate the complexities of balancing parenting, personal fulfillment, and career aspirations. You'll also get:

  • Exclusive Insights: Deep dives into strategies for personal development and success, tailored for single parent professionals.
  • Coaching Updates and Offers: Be the first to know about upcoming coaching programs, workshops, and exclusive offers.
  • Empowering Tips: Actionable advice to enhance both your personal and professional life.
  • Community Stories: Inspirational stories from fellow single parents who are rewriting their success narratives.
  • Blog Highlights: Showcasing select posts from my Single Prent Professional Empowerment Blog. 

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